Welcome to Bandit!

Bandit is a web safety initiative that scans newly registered domains every 24 hours looking for patterns to segregate those that might be potentially dangerous.


The Bandit database retains detailed records on all domains registered since February 22, 2022. We use this information to safeguard people on the Internet.

Would you like to get the status of a domain? BETA

Now, you can view domains reports on a human-friendly website.
Please note this feature is still in its BETA stage and might contain bugs, please report them to us via Discord.

Look up a domain in Bandit's Database


Manually request a domain scan

Are you interested in using Bandit in your application?

Integrating Bandit into an already existing application is easy. We allow the world to access Bandit's database using a WEB-API. If you'd like daily data dumps from us, please fill out the form linked below.

API Documentation Data Dump Request Form